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Thursday, April 21, 2016 ♥ 10:37 AM

Met up with loves of my last night - Christopher, Jeanette and Felicia.

One thing about growing up is learning that certain friendships never last.
Letting go of a relationship is never easy, same goes for friendships.
I am glad to have them in my life and grateful that our friendship stood the test of time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 ♥ 9:52 AM

It has been 4 years since I last blogged.
Looking back at all the posts on this page was a cringey but fun experience.
Pretty amazing how much things can change over the span of a few years, and how much a person can grow.

Things have definitely picked up in many aspects of my life, most of which I'll be eternally grateful for.

Thursday, July 12, 2012 ♥ 8:26 PM

It's been a long time since I last blogged, I don't think anyone visits this space anymore.
But even so, I'll still leave this blog here for keepsake.

Routined life is pretty much routined, with work and more work.
Colleagues are a lively bunch of people and mainly because we're more or less of the same age (:
And I'm constantly being broke because I spend too much on nail polish. 

Have met up with Leona, Felicia and the other over the past month. I still miss them so much.
Life have changed so much for each of us, but I'm still glad that we're still as close.
Happy family :D 

Other than that my life is pretty much work and home. Not much excitement, but still quite fun because of the people I hang around with. 

And Vanessa, if you're reading this - enough with all your antics. 
Enough of badmouthing me to save your sorry ass from the humiliation that you so deserve.
You're the most pathetic person I know, and the most hypocrital one too.
I do hope your love for Chinese and everything related to the Chinese culture has increased since secondary school because of your boyfriend. Because I cannot imagine his horror if he finds out how you simply detest and feel disgusted with the Chinese language when we're in AHS.
And those 2years where we were all classmates? I speak for everyone when I say that we too, do not regret that things turned out this way.

Just stop it with all your fabricating of stories to make it seem like you're the victim.
As much as I am disgusted by you, I do wish you the best as you enter university.
Because, you're going to need it.

Lastly, please just admit that you read my blog. Enough with the "my friend told me..." lines. None of your current friends will read my blog for no apparent season.

Thursday, June 21, 2012 ♥ 11:29 PM

I'm one of the most confusing human being I know.
Why? Let me break it down for you.

- My patience is literally non existent when it comes to dealing with people or issues.
- But I can spend 3hours painting my nails and drawing all the artsy fartsy stuff on my nails. Not a problem.

- My attention span never lasts.
- But I can spend the whole day reading. Heck, I don't mind reading my whole life away.

- I have a seriously bad temper and a certain degree of attitude problem.
- But I love people, no matter LGBTQ or whatnot. 

- I don't see the point in dressing up.
- But I cannot leave house without concealer and eyeliner now because my complexion sucks and I have tiny eyes.

- I know I'm fat.
- But I can't be bothered to do anything about it. 

- I'm pretty optimistic most of the time.
- But I cry at the slightest, most stupid things. And I cry way too easily.

- I have a junior black belt in taekwondo.
- But I spent the last 10years learning this Chinese instrument that is mostly meant for girls.

- I have long hair.
- But I act like a guy most of the time.

- I look/act like a ahlian.
- But I'm not. 

- Everyone around me seems to think that I'm not very intelligent.
- Fuck you very much.


I feel that humans are confusing creatures. 
We stick on this fake smile on our faces when clearly, our souls are dying inside.
We restrict ourselves to the daily life of mundane routined chores when we all seek freedom. 

We don't say what we feel, we do things against our will.
The thing is, we go against ourselves willingly. Only to complain/regret it afterwards.
If you're not happy, why not just say it.
If you don't wish to do it, then don't.

Life is actually very simple. 
It's us humans that make life to be so complicated and confusing.

I just wish that I weren't such a contradicting human being.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012 ♥ 8:35 PM

That basically just sums up my life over the past month.
Haven't been out a lot lately. but when I do, yay :D

A lot of people around me are in this "emo phase" lately.
And they've been flooding either facebook or the twitter timeline with all their unhappiness.
Which brings me to think about all this phases that we go through in life.

Rebellious phase:
This phase we go through, normally during the secondary school days.
Where we don't give a flying fuck about studies, uniforms, school rules and what our parents think.
Some of us have grown up alr, but are still going through this phase.
just that it's no longer about the uniforms or school rules.
This time, we don't care what the society thinks.
Here is to the rebellious teenagers who are now legal to drink, smoke, party, get inked and what not.
This new found freedom brings along all the clubbing adventures that we could only dream of when young.

Everything-also-must-say phase:
The name of this phase tells all.
Be it Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, Instagram or what not, we want to tell everyone what we are doing.
There comes a time when tumblr is the in thing and everyone has it, and they share all their tumblr posts on to Facbook. (pisses the fuck out of me because spamming tumblr and spamming Facebook is totally different.)
Or do you remember when Foursquare was the trend and everyone was checking in everywhere, every single minute?
Or twitter, where you can update your "status" every other second telling your followers what you're up to.
Everyone is guilty of this actually, including me. Especially me.
I just find the need to "tell someone" when I just painted my nails or when I'm happy/sad, just because.

Emo phase:
Everyone goes through this, (I know I do)
Where you start posting emo shit quotes on Facebook/Twitter/Blog. And you do that every chance you get.
It just gets me down whenever I see emo stuff on twitter because nobody gives a fuck.
Just like nobody gives a damn to what I'm typing here, but I'm still doing it anyway.
So it's okay to emo and post depressing stuff on the world wide web, but just cheer up soon.
It's really wrong to have you post about death every single status update over the past month.
Just cheer up and move on!
Being emo and posting on the web is not going to help you.
I suggest you to get your ass up and go get some chocolates in to your system.

(I don't blog often now but when I do, I make absolutely no sense.)
I just had to get that out.

Monday, May 28, 2012 ♥ 10:53 PM

finally I have the time to blog here. have been trying to adjust to this new life and there really isn't much time left to blog.
have started to work and even though it has absolutely nothing got to do with my poly diploma, I'm contented.

in fact, I've never been so contented and happy with my life. EVER.
I only realized this when I was talking to my boyf over dinner just now.
When that realization hit me, there was this overwhelming surge of emotions. I wanted to cry.
But I didn't, of course 8D 

it's just that I'm finally happy. after all that drama in secondary school and in poly. 
for years, I've been in this emotional struggle with myself and everyone around me.
But things are different now.
Things are so much more simple now.

I'm earning close to 2k a month, 5day work week.
and everyday after work and on off days, I get to spend time with the people I love, be it with family, boyf or friends.
the money I earn is more than enough for me - that I can actually have savings every month, give my parents part of my salary, support my day to day life and still have enough to indulge in my impulsive shopping.

I really, really want things to remain the same for the next 50years. 
I want my family to be there everyday when I reach home from work. I cannot imagine a day where they would not be in my life.

I'm really thankful for what I have right now, and the only thing I ask for is for life to remain this way for as long as possible.

(I'm actually crying so hard right now. So much emotions.)

So glad that I'm finally happy.

Friday, May 11, 2012 ♥ 8:17 PM


It was Charlotte's 18th birthday, and we got her a cake! :D

adorable Baby Taz drawn by Simone, pretty red word written by me.
The cake tasted pretty good actually :D

Thursday, May 03, 2012 ♥ 8:03 PM

heya, I'm back.
I apologize for the long absence. Because I just started working, it'll be officially a week of work as of tomorrow.
So I am still getting used to everything.
&it really doesnt help that I reach home after 7pm everyday because my workplace is so damn far.
&I get really beat up after reaching home that I only want to sleep. ugh

Because I've just sold my life to this company to the next 1year, I feel like this is the new milestone in life.
&I actually wanted to change my blog skin to mark the start of something new. (geddit? high school musical.)
Because I've been having this skin for the longest time ever, &even though I love it to bits for it's simplicity,
I hate the font size. I have no idea how you people reading this can endure with this font size for the past 3years plus.
And it doesnt help that the words almost blend in w the background.
But this is the "biggest" font size I can go without it looking ugly. Meaning if I increase the font size anymore, this font will look hideous.
&I love, love this font type.

So it'll take me prolly another light year before I decide to change the skin.

Other than that, there's nothing much going on with my life as of now.
The only excitement I get now is from painting my nails.
pathetic much.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 ♥ 8:36 PM

Seeing how you've blogged about me again, which I so love.
Because you've blogged about me, 4 times? I would think that I'm the one that is "riding to fame" because of you.
Why do I say four times, do you ask?
There's 28 &29th July 2011, plus the most recent one that you made on 21 April.
&who could forget, the one you made on the night of 28th July 2011 after our confrontation.
In case you need a refreshment, do click on the image below.(Yes, I'm quite the stalker)

If you still don't remember, I don't blame you. Because you have deleted that post.
But everyone that mattered have read the post because we all shared it amongst ourselves.
"People that mattered" meaning those you have so rightfully apologized to (I know you did apologize, they told me), saying how sorry you were but proceeded to type those words in your blog saying you're glad to cut ties with them.
Which I will say once again, how childish and hypocritical of you.
And the fun ensues after that night of July 2011.

In case you're wondering why I threatened you in my previous post, it's because you said in your post "(I) can always tackle (you) head-on .." even though "(you've) never really been tackle by a fat bitch before."
There, you have it. So if you ever wish to get tackled by me, just leave a note on your blog and I would be sure to see it.

All I know is that you've changed. (I'm not the one to say whether it's for better or for worse)
And yes, you're significantly more confident now with the person you love. (I'm really happy for you)
But if you do read your own posts carefully, who is the one that is harboring on the past?
And really, who is making who famous? I'm pretty sure your new friends know about me and about how " (I have a) human head attached to a dinosaur body with a temper like a hell hippo.. Even the devil trembles under such devastating heavy aura" as written in your blog.

But my question to you is,
If this whole incident really doesn't affect you, why blog about it?
If my confrontation with you in 2011 didn't affect you, why did you hurl so much abusive and hurting comments about me on your blog?
Why didn't you just replied my sms and tell me how you feel to settle everything? Instead you deleted my sms, deleted all our numbers, deleted us off Facebook and hid behind your computer screen, blogging about how I couldn't bring you down, about how you're happy with life and then bitch about me with your new friends and then post about all the mean things they said about me.
If you really think I'm a nobody in your life, why were you so defensive in 2011 that you had to post about me and why blog again in the last few days addressing my blog post regarding you?

In case you're wondering why I'm blogging about you, it's because you did affect me.

♥ 6:30 PM

A few days ago, I came across Decoden phone case aka whipped cream phone cases.
So I decided to go ahead and try it out (:

Here are the adorable, delicious cabochons that I bought.

Things you'll need for your whipped cream adventure:
1. Phone case
2. Adorable cabochons
3. Icing tip
5. Rhinestones

Do click on the image to enlarge if you wish to read the fine print.
Remember to get 100% sillicone, and make sure they're white in color.

Sillicone smells really bad when you first squeeze it out of the tube.
But after 48 hours, it will cure fully and the smell will not that bad.

I got these icing nozzle because I needed the sillicone to really look like whipped cream.
I used the star shaped tip for my phone case.

Before actually creaming your phone, place your cabochons to visualise where you want them to be.

Cream it up, &voila!
You have your kawaii decoden phone case (:
This took me about 30mins to make, it's that easy.
If anybody is willing to pay me to do this for them, just let me know.

Thursday, April 19, 2012 ♥ 5:43 PM

I've always been hated for as long as I can remember.
Being hated on because I was fat.

It started with Primary school, I've been called "Fatso" for about 3years.
I remember once it got so bad that I cried in school &the teacher made that classmate apologize to me.
I think the reason was because I was really talkative, and rowdy back then that those kids just didnt like it.
&being fat just added on to their list of reasons to hate me.

So came secondary school. I entered a fairly good school which I thought people wouldnt be that mean because they are "more educated in that sense".
Lower secondary was pretty good.
Then came upper secondary.
Drama unfolded within our clique.
Long story short, this one girl turned everybody against everybody with her rumors and whatnot that the clique almost fell apart.
Until when we realized what she had done, &how much of a hypocrite she is, I confronted her.

I just told everything we knew to her, &she denied every single thing.
&proceeded to come up with a very lengthy post on her blog.

(Do click on the image to enlarge the words.)

Again, I'm the one that gets hated on because I was the one who confronted her &she refuses to believe that everyone from the clique hates her.
&being fat was the only reason she could find to hate on me.
After that post, she went to delete all of us who were in the clique off Facebook
&off her phone contact list.

I cannot even begin to say how childish she is.
&that I truly apologize for being the "fat, sordid, deplorable bitch" that I am.
It's evident she knows I read her blog, &I truly hope she reads mine too.

So I can tell her this,
"I know where you live, and I do have means to do terrible things to you."

From there on, I graduated &entered SP.
Life in SP for me, is pretty much okay.
Except for the drama &people I've com across, it's like Kindergarten all over again.
So, so much drama.

it was to be 3years with the same class, but I changed classes midway.
Because I failed Econs, &because everyone in the previous class hated me.
(I have no idea if they still do now, I really hope not.)

I really take my hat off to this very girl who pretty much ruined my poly life.
She turned the whole class against me, &even created a fake blog with posts saying how much I hate the class &all.

I took this screenshot waaay back in 2009 when she first blogged about me.
(yes, I hold grudges.)

(Click to enlarge)

&this is how her blogskin looks like now, with that same post.

I could remember skipping classes just because I could not face my classmates for they hated me.
Or going for classes, not speaking a word to anyone because nobody wanted to sit with me.
Literally, nobody wanted to sit with me.
&no, she did not make me fail Econs like what she wrote. I was just really bad at it.
&I swear with my life that I didn't blog about this at all, until now.
So she definitely cannot see my "big ass" blogging away from where she is.

to be honest, I have no idea whether my class still hates me.
I just think that nobody likes me.


I guess the whole point of this post (other than exposing those 2 people who pretty much ruined me) is that everyone has stories.
People may not talk about their life stories, doesn't mean they don't have any.
They may be going through so much pain that be alive for even one more day kills them.
&they would literally be better off dead, because there would be no more pain.

also since I'm already graduating, I really need to just let all my grievances out.

&that I truly apologize for being such a fat ass and not doing anything about it.
I swear, it's not.

&all these comments do hurt me, more than you can imagine.
But please, just let me love myself.
Just let me be that fat girl in class, and shut your fucking mouth because as much as I wish to be skinny, I wish to be myself.

I just wish to be myself.
So please, just let me be.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 ♥ 9:45 PM

Happy nails are happy!
http://righthandnails.blogspot.com if you want to visit my nail polish blog.

Monday, April 16, 2012 ♥ 8:50 PM

Went to the Titanic exhibition yesterday with the boyfriend.
Except for the fact that I love how we were issued boarding passes to enter the exhibition,
I didnt like the exhibition at all.

I apologize for the red dot in the middle of them images,
it's a camera problem with my phone.

Stories at the back of each boarding passes.
These are names of real passengers aboard the Titanic.

And a glorious picture of Singapore when we were returning from the cruise.
Went snorkelling at Rendang Island, their water was so clear that if you were to fill a transparent container with their waters,
you'll see no impurities. It's as clear as your drinking water.
&yes, I did fill a transparent container with their water so I can assure you it's clarity.
There were beautiful, massive corals which scared the shit out of me because they were really massive.
&so, so, so many beautiful fishes swimming all around.

I just want to stay in the sea forever~~~

Friday, April 13, 2012 ♥ 4:22 PM

These guys need no introduction.

Technically, this is what "Marvel's The Avengers" is about -
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Tom Hiddleston, with Stellan Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, directed by Joss Whedon, from a story by Zak Penn and Joss Whedon with screenplay by Joss Whedon, “Marvel’s The Avengers” is based on the ever-popular Marvel comic book series “The Avengers,” first published in 1963 and a comics institution ever since. Prepare yourself for an exciting event movie, packed with action and spectacular special effects, when “Marvel’s The Avengers” assemble in 1 May 2012.

We've all seen countless times of the movie's trailer that we can memorize each scene by heart.
In case you need some recap, feel free to replay the following clip over and over again.

Everytime I see the trailer playing in the cinema, I squeal a little :3
because that is how excited I am about the film.

Who is your favorite Avengers from the film?

Mine has got to be Hulk.
The reason is beacause he is a "mean, green fighting machine".
Actually, no.
I just have this certain liking towards the Hulk character.

Being an ordinary human with something in his system that changes him when enraged.
I just cant help but be sad when I watch Hulk films.
He changes in to this green giant unwillingly, and gets attacked at by the military every single time.
And with every bullet fired, his rage just grows. And that rage is too huge for the human in him to control.

But in this Avengers film, we see Hulk being able to actually control his rage for good.
He is still that mean green fighting machine, but much much more human.

Mark Ruffalo plays Hulk in this film, and I'm amazed as to how they incorporated his features on to Hulk as seen in the picture above.

I just cant wait for the film to be out.
We've all been waiting since forever!

Catch Marvel’s The Avengers in cinemas this 1 May 2012 and like the Official Marvel's The Avengers Singapore Facebook Page and subscribe to Marvel Singapore YouTube Channel!

Saturday, March 10, 2012 ♥ 9:17 PM

Just received my belated birthday present from Christopher because he is too busy with army.
He is such a sweet heart (: